Welcome to our Update Log! Here, you can find all the changes and improvements we’ve made to our app. The most recent updates are listed at the top.
2.2.2 - 2025-02-12
- Template mappings for integrations from the organisation can now be overridden
- Optimized organisation setup process
- Added new social links for business cards
- Improved organisation dashboard
- Fixed issue with duplicating business cards within a team
- Added black and white as options for color selection
2.2.1 - 2025-01-29
- Added new permission for marketing emails
- Moved administrator settings in teams to a dedicated page
- Fixed custom app logos
- Optimized phone number input in the business card editor
- Improved default role management between organizations and teams
- Added additional administrator permissions
2.2.0 - 2025-01-16
- Optimized joining process for organizations and teams
- Added direct navigation to user assignments from the user management section
- Improved display of license information
- Enhancements to the creation and editing of user assignments
- Optimized color selection for business cards
- Added guidance on placing custom buttons on business cards
- Refined the app toolbar for better usability
- Updated help page – everything you need to know about the oneVcard app is now easier to find
2.1.18 - 2024-12-29
- Optimized and redesigned the oneVcard Teams interface
- Added automatic user assignments to teams
- Introduced permission roles: Set permissions with fine-grained control and stay in charge!
- Optimized license management for organisations
- Successfully migrated standard teams into the organisation
- Many performance optimizations in the background
2.1.17 - 2024-12-03
- Added a QR code designer and integrated personalized QR codes throughout the app
- Improved offline functionality for QR codes
- Fixed an issue with the trial dialog on the physical connect page
- Corrected the font color of the “Connect” button in the business card editor
- Increased the length of the VAT ID field
2.1.16 - 2024-11-06
- Added “empty” and “ready” status to the overview of generic templates
- Added Microsoft Exchange integration
- Added Google Workspace integration and SSO
- Fixed display issues on the contacts page and team settings in Firefox
- Fixed input issues in the custom business card URL dialog
- Improved offline functionality
- Optimized the back button on the business card
2.1.15 - 2024-10-23
- The contact entry via AI can now be confirmed without entering first name, last name or e-mail
- The team can now be filtered by individual users in Analytics
- The VAT ID can now be stored in the business card
- Team administrators can now change the email of users
- The date of the last activity is now displayed for each user in the team
- The migration of a team to an organisation has been corrected
- The standard Apple Wallet cards are now automatically updated after editing the business card
- The input of tags for business cards has been optimized
- Several custom buttons can now be added to the business card
- The logout process for SSO users has been optimized
- A direct path back to the dashboard has been added to the generators
- The input fields in the generator for virtual backgrounds have been optimized
- The scrollbar for rights and templates in the team has been optimized
- Background jobs have been optimized
2.1.14 - 2024-10-09
The file widget is now correctly removed when there is no permission in personal business cards
The order of the links on the business card has been adjusted to ensure consistent display
Optimized the left side in the business card editor
Added a dialog for open invitations
Date fields in analytics and contact settings are now translated correctly
It is now possible to customize integrations provided by the organisation within the team
Optimized the back button in the wallet designer
Added a new setting in the business card editor: “Use homepage link instead of business card link in vCard”
Implemented bug fixes and improvements for the business card scanner
2.1.13 - 2024-09-25
The option to send user invitations is now disabled by default
The fields for Azure integration have been optimized and restructured
The back of the Apple Wallet now displays all your business card information
Texts on the Wallet Designer have been optimized
Improvements in team template editing
Analytics can now be displayed for a specific period on the User & Teams dashboard
The file page has been optimized
VCF file has been extended with additional fields
Contacts can now be exported to the address book
Performance of the automatic Apple Wallet update has been optimized
Teams can now share designs for wallets
2.1.12 - 2024-09-10
- Redesigned the Apple and Google Wallet theme selection
- Added invitation templates for SSO login
- Optimized trial dialog on the login page
- Modified translations and order of oneVcard fields for Azure integration. Selected fields can now be hidden
- Redesigned the shortcut page
- Changed the position of the slider in team permissions
- Optimized the address dialog
- Added update notification after template editing
- Optimized the back button
- Improved responsive design of the business card
- Enhanced API documentation for enterprise customers
- Bug fix in the upgrade premium dialog
- Optimized the update dialog when switching pages
- Added automatic updates for Apple Wallets
- Generator icons now display in the organisation’s colors
- Optimized deletion of business card files
- Added new permissions for the wallet designer
2.1.11 - 2024-08-27
- Neutralized the address dialog design
- Corrected the custom font on the business card page for dialogs and lists
- Improved the Apple and Google Wallet designer
- Added custom domain validation on the business card page
- Added a setting for trusted email addresses in teams
- Optimized the update dialog
- Improved NFC scanner on the contact page
- Added sharing dialog to business card view
- Optimized default avatar on the business card page
2.1.10 - 2024-08-17
- Added wallet designer for iOS and Android
2.1.9 - 2024-08-13
- Fixed an issue with phone number updates for some users
- Improved QR code scanner in the contact book
- Refined logic for duplicating/adding/deleting in teams
- Optimized chip/tag input on Android
- Improved business card display in the dashboard
- Optimized text in settings
- Added support for personal URLs in the sharing widget
- Added Google Wallet
- Optimized VCF contact preview on iOS
- Made optimizations to the in-app browser on the team page
- Fixed an issue with quick closure of the QR code scanner
- Added profile pictures in the contact book
- Added support for custom domains
2.1.8 - 2024-07-30
- Added automatic contact note function
- Added AI contact scanner
- Added export feature for the contact book in the app
- Added additional contact fields
- Added profile picture in the business card view for teams
- Fixed an issue related to files in teams and app users
- Fixed sorting after closing the contact dialog
- Fixed an issue where the business card background image didn’t reset when navigating
- Added gradient support in the theme editor
- Corrected scroll position after tab switch in the business card editor
- The entire “More Information” section in the connection dialog is now clickable
2.1.6 - 2024-07-16
- Changed link design on the business card
- Adjusted navigation height in teams
- Fixed contact editing dialog in teams with a connected business card
- Business cards in the dashboard are now sorted alphabetically by name
- Adjusted the height of the support dialog
- Changed the contact dialog design when a business card is connected
- Corrected the drop zone for dragging and dropping files
- Optimized and minimized the contact page
- Fixed an issue with “%20” in the VCF name after download
- Optimized input fields in the business card editor
2.1.5 - 2024-07-03
- Improved external field mapping to allow multiple field mappings and custom keys
2.1.4 - 2024-06-19
- Changed the button design on the business card
- Optimized and modernized the team page in the app
- Adjusted navigation to enhance functionality, especially on smaller mobile devices
- Refined design in the business card view by removing excessive spacing
- Added a tooltip to inform users when submitting the contact form without filling all required fields
- Profile picture now displayed on the business card during contact exchange
- Fixed table sorting for business cards in teams
- Performance optimizations for teams and organisation pages
- Added iOS shortcuts
- Admins now receive an email when team quota is exceeded
- Added a contact page for teams
- Improved contact sorting logic in the app
- Corrected icon color change in the business card editor
- Added autocomplete options during contact exchange
- Added option to download contacts as CSV in teams
- Added more search options for team search
- New admins no longer require an existing oneVcard account; a new account is created automatically
2.1.3 - 2024-06-18
- General performance improvements
2.1.2 - 2024-06-06
- CSV import error messages are now always displayed at the bottom of the screen
- Added option to hide fields if the user does not have permission to use/edit them
- App size optimized
- Added minimum size for offline QR codes
- Fixed issue where images from copied business cards weren’t duplicated
- Fixed issue preventing business card images from being deleted when the business card was deleted
- YouTube link entry without ”@” is now automatically recognized
- Fixed issue with sending invitations to multiple users at once
- Updated Clye link
- Added lock screen generator for teams
2.1.1 - 2024-06-05
- Fixed issue where imported templates could not be updated
- Fixed issue with lock screen background generation in Safari
2.1.0 - 2024-05-30
- Added feature to upload a background image for the business card
- Added navigation bars to app pages
- Added permission for team members to view team files
- Added app version to the account page
- Removed special characters from file names when downloading QR codes
- Added overlay for QR code scanner
- Added camera switch feature and flashlight toggle for mobile devices
- Increased slogan character limit to 500
- Added permission to hide the “Physical Purchase” option
- Corrected navigation bar design on the CRM page
- Changed dashboard design:
- Standardized dashboard cards
- Reduced top spacing on business card in the dashboard
- If business card has no profile picture: Logo is now displayed fully (as a square)
- Added lock screen generator in the app
- Added first name, last name, and organisation to the business card in the dashboard for smartphones
2.0.10 - 2024-05-28
- Optimized redirect from the error screen
- Removed comma after the postal code in the address dialog on the business card
- Corrected file editing permissions
- Improved app performance & optimized database queries
- Adjusted text color on the business card in the dashboard
- Fixed issue where the business card creation dialog in teams wouldn’t open
1.9.0 - 2023-12-21
- Added organisation management for enterprise customers
- Manage multiple teams in your organisation
- Set colors and logos for the app
- Import users into different teams of the organisation
- Display all users in the organisation
- Added public API for enterprise customers
- Improved Azure/Entra sync
- Enhanced SSO
- Contact management
- Scan other oneVcard Physicals directly in the app
- Manual contact capture
- Connect button: Networking directly with your oneVcard
- Added physical view in teams
1.5.0 - 1.5.4 - 2023-07-05
- Significant optimization of loading times when launching the app
- Optimized loading time for the Physical page
- Optimizations to the maintenance page and app stability
- Bug fix for clearing business card fields reserved for Premium users
- Extended login duration
- Revised app font
- Bug fix for VCF creation
- Optimized loading time for team search
- Bug fix for copying business cards within oneVcard teams
- Optimized the logo cropper
- Optimized CSV import related to templates
- Optimizations in the teams interface
1.4.0 - 2023-05-17
- Added permissions management for teams
- Added customizable fonts and font colors
- Added logo cropper
- Added a maintenance page displayed during maintenance work
- Various bug fixes for web, iOS, and Android
- Added app information under settings
- Optimized CSV import
1.3.2 - 2022-12-16
- Added language selection
- Added easy copying of the team ID
- Manage personal dashboard
- Added search within business cards, people, and templates
- Added “Report a Problem” button
- Added Apple Wallet
- Direct vCard download in teams now configurable
1.3.0 - v.1.3.1 - 2022-12-09
- Translations in over 10 languages
- New infrastructure
- New Physicals integrated
- Improved performance
- Settings for the digital business card
- It’s official: The oneVcard app is now available in the Google Play Store
- It’s official: The oneVcard app can now be downloaded from the iOS App Store
1.2.0 - v.1.2.4 - 2022-10-04
- Designs for Apple Wallet
- Apple Wallets in teams
- Virtual backgrounds in teams
- New UI for Physicals
- General bug fixes
- Custom button
- Share button
- Option to hide the “show contact details” button
- UI adjustments
- Button to switch to personal dashboard from teams
- Option to hide the “powered by oneVcard” text under a business card
- Bug fix where some users couldn’t confirm their email addresses
- Bug fix where some users couldn’t complete the Premium upgrade
- New FAQ
- International phone number input
- English “Show Contact Details” button
- Bug fix where some users with multiple teams couldn’t edit individual business cards
- Bug fix where the permission slider for editing rights in teams didn’t work properly
- Support for WhatsApp Business with landline numbers
- Bug fix where some users couldn’t edit Premium fields
- The “back button” on a digital business card is now only displayed when viewing the card (and logged in)
- Templates for teams
- Bug fix for uneditable Premium fields
- Add Threema profile
- Company features
- Extended sharing functionality
- New fields: Legal notices + Opening hours
1.0 - 1.3 - 2022-03-29
- Custom button
- Improved business card designer
- Categorization of icons on the digital business card
- Additional widgets: Analytics, sharing
- Add slogan
- Redirect to any URL
- Direct forwarding of the digital business card
- Dropbox integration for sharing documents (images, presentations, videos, etc.)
- Personal selection of phone numbers to be shown as favorite icons on the virtual business card
- Receive payments
- Additional social media fields
- Improved photo cropper
- Share multiple websites
- New UI
- Address field including a favorite icon for quick route planning via Google Maps
- Dropbox integration for sharing documents (images, presentations, videos, etc.)
- Customizable note field
- Design adjustments in the dashboard
- Design adjustments on the virtual business card
- Payment integration
- Bug fixes
- UI adjustments
- Payment and subscription management
- Share virtual business card
- QR code printing function
- Stability improvements
- Crop and rotate feature for profile photo
- SSL for redirects
- Bug fix for Vcard export
- Integration of oneVcard Metal
- Animated background in the dashboard
- Add multiple phone numbers
- Improved UX
0.0.10 - 2020-04-07
- Integration of business card templates
- Pro designer for business cards
- QR code scan
- PWA implementation
- Integration of fav icons
0.0.9 - 2020-04-01
- Integration of hex codes for business card designer
- Drag & drop for the dashboard
- Integration of oneVcard Metal
- Animated background in the dashboard
- Add multiple phone numbers
- Improved UX
0.0.8 - 2020-03-04
- Integration of business card templates
- Pro designer for business cards
- QR code scan
- Card design in the dashboard
- Transition to onevcard.app
- Name assignment for cards
Stay tuned for future updates and improvements! If you have questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us via the contact page.