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Linking Business Cards with Physicals

With oneVcard, you have the ability to share multiple digital business cards with a physical card, your Physical.

Dynamic Connection

In the app, you can easily set which digital business card should be displayed when your Physical (oneVcard Metal, Classic, etc.) is scanned.

To do this, simply click on the digital business card in the dashboard to activate it.

Static Business Card Assignment

If you want a Physical to always display a specific digital business card, you can set it up as follows:

  1. Go to the “Physicals” tab.
  2. Find the Physical that you want to link.
  3. Click on the three-dot menu and select “Assign Card.”
  4. Turn off the “Automatically assign Physical” switch.
  5. Select the appropriate digital business card.

From now on, scanning your Physical will always display the assigned digital business card, no matter which one you have activated in the dashboard. This is also a good solution if you use multiple Physicals.