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User Assignment


With user assignments, you can automatically move users, who are added through an integration, into sub-teams based on specific criteria.

User Assignment Overview

Create a New User Assignment

  1. Create a new assignment
    Click on “NEW” to create a new user assignment. Give the assignment a meaningful name.

    Create New User Assignment
  2. Set Criteria
    Define rules by selecting a field, a comparison type, and a matching value.

    Set Criteria
    • Choose the field to be checked.
    • Determine the comparison type (e.g., “equals”, “contains”).
    • Specify the value to compare the field against.

    You can create multiple criteria. These will be combined with an AND logic – all conditions must be met.

  3. Assign to Teams
    Select which teams the user should be added to once the criteria are met.

    Select Teams for User Assignment

Change Status

You can change the status of a user assignment by selecting “Change Status” in the 3-dot menu and toggling between Active and Inactive.

Change Status


You can duplicate a user assignment by selecting “Duplicate” in the 3-dot menu.


To delete a user assignment, click “Delete” in the 3-dot menu and confirm the action.