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Capturing Contacts in HubSpot


With the oneVcard HubSpot integration, you can automatically transfer contacts captured in oneVcard to your HubSpot CRM.

Setup in HubSpot

  1. Log into your HubSpot account
  2. Click on “Settings”
  3. Under “Account Setup”, you will find “Private Apps”
Bereich private app
  1. Create a private app named “onevcard”
Neue private app
  1. Switch to the “Scopes” tab. Here, the following permissions must be granted:
Neue private app - Berechtigungen
  1. Now click on the “Create App” button at the top right and confirm this with “Continue with creation”
Neue private app - Bestätigen
  1. Now save the displayed token in a safe place. The token is only displayed once.
Token speichern

The setup in HubSpot is now complete.

Setup in oneVcard

  1. Log into oneVcard and select the team for which you want to set up the integration.

  2. Make sure that the Connect-Button is active on your digital business cards.

  3. Click on “Integrations” in the sidebar

oneVcard Integrationsoberfläche
  1. Select the HubSpot integration

  2. In the “API Key” field, enter the token you previously saved in HubSpot

API-Schlüssel hinterlegen
  1. Click on Save

The setup is now complete.

Function Test

Finally, you can check the connection. To do this, call up a digital business card from your team and use the Connect Button to create a test contact.

In oneVcard in the HubSpot integration area, the last execution is displayed:

oneVcard Hubspot letzte Ausführung

Also, check whether your contact was successfully created in HubSpot:

HubSpot Kontakteübersicht

Contact in detail:

HubSpot erstellter Kontakt